International Day of the Girl Child 2024: History, significance, and more | Lifestyle

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Today, the world is celebrating International Day of the Girl Child, raising awareness about the unique challenges that girls face worldwide and promoting their empowerment.

The United Nations established this day in 2012 highlighting the need to address issues like gender inequality, child marriage and limited access to education and healthcare.

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This day celebrates the potential of girls and advocates their rights, emphasising the importance of ensuring full participation in social, economic and political spheres.

This day also serves as a platform seeking to remove barriers to their progress, creating a more equitable and supportive environment for girls to thrive and contribute to society.

International Day of the Girl Child: History

At the World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, countries unanimously adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action for the first time in history. This plan was the most progressive blueprint ever proposed for advancing the rights of not only women but also girls. The Beijing Declaration is the first to address girls’ rights, according to the United Nations.

Countries unanimously adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action for the first time in 1995 at the World Conference on Women. The International Day for Girl Child envisions a progressive blueprint for advancing the rights of not only women but also girls.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 66/170 declaring October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child on December 19, 2011. It aims to address the challenges girls face across the world promoting girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights.

The International Day of the Girl Child was first observed in 2012 emphasising the need to prevent child marriages.

International Day of the Girl Child: Significance

The girls are supported and educated effectively as they have the potential to change the world. They can become entrepreneurs, political leaders, mentors and even household heads or mothers in the future, if effectively empowered.

On this day, people raise awareness about the power of girls promising them a more equitable and prosperous future.

International Day of the Girl Child 2024: Theme

This year, the theme for International Day of the Girl Child 2024 is ‘Girls’ Vision for the Future.’ This year, the theme is to listen to girls and invest in proven solutions accelerating progress towards a future in which every girl fulfils their potential.

International Day of the Girl Child 2024: Quotes

Here are the top 20 quotes on International Day of the Girl Child 2024

  • “Empower a girl today, change the world tomorrow.”

  • “Every girl has the right to dream, the power to achieve, and the courage to change the world.”

  • “A girl with a dream becomes a woman with a vision.”

  • “Investing in girls is investing in a brighter, more equal future.”

  • “Let’s create a world where every girl is safe, educated, and empowered.”

  • “She is not just a daughter or a sister, she is the future.”

  • “When we lift up girls, we lift up entire communities.”

  • “Girls are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the change-makers of today.”

  • “Educate a girl, empower a generation.”

  • “To educate a girl is to give her the power to change her world.”

  • “Girls with dreams become women with vision.” — Unknown

  • “A girl is not a statistic; she is a force of nature, full of potential.”

  • “She is powerful, not because she isn’t scared, but because she goes on despite the fear.”

  • “The future is bright when every girl has the chance to reach her full potential.”

  • “The world is changed by your example, not your opinion. Let’s be an example of empowerment for every girl.”

  • “Strong girls become strong women, and strong women build a strong world.”

  • “A girl child is a blessing, a joy, and the future. Let’s nurture her dreams.”

  • “Girls can be anything they want to be; let’s break down the barriers that hold them back.”

  • “Behind every successful woman is a girl who believed in herself.”

  • “Girls are not here to be rescued; they are here to be the heroes of their own stories.”

First Published: Oct 11 2024 | 11:34 AM IS

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